Dreams From the Other Side: Visitations, Dreaming with the Dead, and Scary Creatures from Unseen Realms ~ November 2, 2024, Day of the Dead: In this conversation on The Dream Journal with host Katherine Bell, we discuss how during this time of year our ability to dream through the veil that separates this world from other realms is enhanced. We may receive visits from loved ones who have crossed over or scary beings from unknown places, bringing terrifying messages or beautiful offerings, like a mystical version of trick or treat. I talk about how we can work with these in a way that opens up our consciousness while also protecting us from potential harm.
Embracing Unpleasant Dreams and Nightmares ~ June 26, 2024: In this conversation on The Dream World podcast with host Amina Mara, we discuss how to work with nightmares to find the positive messages that support our personal inner work as well as our collective experiences shared across human and more-than-human realms. We share examples and discuss difficult topics that may cause some people to not remember their dreams.
Ancestral Dreams ~ January 18, 2024: In this conversation on The Dream World podcast with host Amina Mara, I describe different types of ancestors - blood, land and spirit, which may appear in our dreams. I share my dreamwork process by exploring a dream of mine which helped me connect with my family ancestors and work toward healing some specific generational trauma in my lineage.