Dreams are doorways into our heart, mind, soul, and body. They are portals into other realms of consciousness and other worlds. They carry messages from within our own psyche and from external sources, allowing us to connect with lost parts of ourselves and with all the interconnected beings in our world.
Dreamwork is a process to discover the meaning of your dreams, a profound, creative, playful, and often surprising experience! We explore together, but ultimately the meaning of your dream is up to you.
I am constantly amazed by the power of dreams to move people out of their stuckness, help them gain new perspectives about themselves and their life, and move past old obstacles. Dreamwork often starts from a place of confusion or vulnerability and expands into clarity and renewed energy for living. I love facilitating this process in my clients. Dreams are one of the deepest, most powerful ways to open these doors of transformation.
Dreams are doorways into our heart, mind, soul, and body. They are portals into other realms of consciousness and other worlds. They carry messages from within our own psyche and from external sources, allowing us to connect with lost parts of ourselves and with all the interconnected beings in our world.
Dreamwork is a process to discover the meaning of your dreams, a profound, creative, playful, and often surprising experience! We explore together, but ultimately the meaning of your dream is up to you.
- Dream for healing, glimpsing the future, and facing your fears...
- Re-enter your dreams to gather information and messages...
- Embody and interact with your dream characters...
- Journey into new realms of consciousness...
- Recognize your allies, ancestors, and guides...
- Travel through time or generations to heal old wounds…
- Integrate lost parts of yourself for a greater sense of wholeness…
- Learn to set your intentions for guidance on specific issues in your life…
I am constantly amazed by the power of dreams to move people out of their stuckness, help them gain new perspectives about themselves and their life, and move past old obstacles. Dreamwork often starts from a place of confusion or vulnerability and expands into clarity and renewed energy for living. I love facilitating this process in my clients. Dreams are one of the deepest, most powerful ways to open these doors of transformation.
Dream Workshop Series ~ Embodying the Unconscious
Spring 2025 ~ In-person
Saturday, February 15 - Dream Constellations
Sunday, March 9 - Ancestral Dreaming
Saturday, March 29 - Dream Re-entry Journey
Saturday, April 19 - Dream Poetry
All workshops are 1:00-5:00pm, in a lovely location in Boulder, Colorado. The location will be shared after registration.
Dream Constellations:
Saturday, February 15
Explore your dreams through the interactive practice of dream constellations, (also called dream theater). Discover deep insights with the support of a creative group process using active imagination, animation, somatic embodiment, parts work and improvisation.
In Dream Constellation work, we embody all the aspects of a dream, which reflect various parts of ourselves, our lives and/or the collective, then invite them to dialogue and interact with one another. These aspects or "characters" may be our inner parts including lost or shadow parts, other people and beings in our life, visiting energies, archetypes, ancestors, guides or helpers. They may be personal or collective, conscious or unconscious.
Once we bring the full constellation to life, the dreamer can move the scene forward to completion, change the script for a different outcome or experience surprising new revelations. All members participate in each dream constellation as a character or a witness, whether their individual dream is enacted by the group or not.
Ancestral Dreaming:
Sunday, March 9
Many dreams open portals of communication between us and our ancestors, including our ancestors of blood, land or spirit, personal or collective, human or beyond-human, past or future.
In Ancestral Dreaming we connect with our ancestors through dreams and active imagination. We reach out to our healthy, loving ancestors, then journey with the drum to make direct connect with them to receive their guidance. This can be powerfully healing and life-changing as they inspire us to embody our dreams and embrace our ancestral gifts.
The purpose of working with the Ancestors (since they are always working within us) is to understand and make conscious the information in our nervous systems and in our unconscious that impacts our psyche, our behaviors and our dreams. When we connect with them, we get a vicarious sense of our ancestors’ lives, experiences, traumas, wisdom and love, as well as greater awareness of how those things impact our everyday patterns, beliefs, reactions, passions, interests and choices.
Ancestral work, including dreams, supports us on our path of knowing ourselves and the world, feeling a deeper sense of interconnection with all beings, and healing the generational and historic trauma that impacts our lives and our relationships every day and going forward into future generations. It supports us on our path of knowing ourselves and the world, feeling a deeper sense of interconnection with all beings, and healing the generational and historic trauma that impacts our lives and our relationships every day and going forward into future generations.
Dream Re-entry Journey:
Saturday, March 29
In our re-entry journey, we share our dreams in a circle, clarify our intentions and create a portal through which to re-enter the dream. Each person chooses a dream to re-enter, using active imagination to connect with one of the characters, explore a place or deepen an experience in the dream.
The journey is guided by soft drumming and voice, which supports everyone as they travel into their own dream and activates a relaxed, visual internal state of being.
This process helps us get unstuck by completing something that has been unresolved or hidden from our consciousness. We ask questions, reach out for guidance, make contact with lost parts of ourselves that need to be integrated in order to feel our wholeness.
Dream Poetry:
Saturday, April 19
Poetry is a wonderful form for expressing dreams, because it is by nature a surreal, evocative orientation to language. We allow words to flow from our whole being, not just the verbal, conceptual part of our brain. We let ourselves speak in a language of the body, heart, senses and soul, in a powerful process that is both ethereal and concrete.
When dreams call us into action, poetry is an inspiring way to integrate our dreams into waking life. Creative expression is an important aspect of being human, and helps us feel more whole within ourselves and more connected to the world.
In Dream Poetry, we explore the places between dreaming and waking, visual and verbal, translating messages and images from our dreams into poems. We free ourselves through structured play, guided visualization, active imagination and evocative writing prompts. We explore poetry as a contemplative practice, stepping outside our habitual, ordinary ways of using language, and into a dreamy, poetic sensibility.
Cost: $120 for one, $230 for two, $330 for three or $400 for all four
Several sliding scale spots are available. Contact me if you're interested.
To register, send me an email: [email protected]
Payment options: Zelle, Venmo, Paypal, Credit Card by phone, Check, Cash
The location in north Boulder will be shared with you after I receive your registration and payment.
What to bring:
A dream or two that you would like to work with. (If you don't have a specific dream, I will give you alternate options for the journeys).
Dream journal, paper, pens.
One or two special objects that connect you to your dreams or that are relevant to the specific dreams you are bringing, for our collective dream altar.
Water bottle and light snack.
Layers of comfortable, warm clothes for sitting, lying down and moving.
A cushion, blanket and eye cover for journeying.
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Online Dream Group for Therapists and Psychology Grad Students:
Would you like to learn more about your own dreams and explore ways to work with your clients' dreams as well? I am offering an online Dream Group for therapists and psychology grad students, teaching the basic principles of dreamwork as we practice with group members’ dreams using active imagination, animation, somatic embodiment, parts work and group reflection. You will discover your personal themes and symbols, expand your relationships with archetypes and experience the healing messages contained in your dreams while also learning skills for supporting your clients’ unconscious process.
Contact me for a brief interview.
Cost is $450 for therapists, $395 for students.
Next session beginning Spring 2025
Group will be limited to 10 people.
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Therapeutic Dreamwork:
I offer stand-alone dream guidance sessions drawing on my 30 years of experience using Psychodynamics and Mindfulness Awareness, Jungian Archetypes, Active Imagination, Gestalt Parts Work and Ancestral and Animal Guides. Dreamwork may involve telling a dream, speaking as the various characters and elements in your dream, using your active imagination to re-enter or continue the dream, and finding creative ways to bring the dream more fully into your waking life.
Dreamwork helps you learn more about yourself, develop your creativity and imagination, translate the messages from your unconscious, your ancestors and guides and see your reflection from a different vantage point than our normal waking consciousness. It is deeply personal and also universal, and can be done for the benefit and healing of others as well as yourself. It opens your compassion for others and helps you feel the interconnectedness of all things.
I am a certified Level 3 Dream Teacher in Robert Moss' School of Active Dreaming. www.mossdreams.com